Project Management

Unit reference
Guided learning hours

Unit purpose and aim(s)

In the current business environment, a key business skill covering multiple disciplines is the ability to manage projects from inception to delivery. This is a different challenge to being involved with regular 'business as usual' work as very often projects will  impact directly the overall performance of the organisation. This unit expands the basic theory of project management into a practical, operational context and integrates all the fundamental tools and techniques required to manage projects successfully.

You will study modern project management techniques – network planning, critical path analysis, costing and budgeting, and resource management. Subsequent activities include progress monitoring, trouble-shooting and controls.

On successful completion of the unit, you will be able to apply the tools and techniques to a variety of projects in a workplace setting.  You will know how to increase the chance of a project being successful - in terms of the deliverables being fit for purpose, meeting agreed deadlines and staying within budget. Being able to contribute in this way should have a successful impact on the performance of the organisation. 

This unit is assessed by traditional timed exam - read more.

Qualifications for this unit:

ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management and Marketing

ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management and Human Resources

ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management

Qualifications for this unit

ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management


Level 4 means the same level of difficult as year-one of a Bachelors degree. This qualification provides a thorough grounding in Business Management and it is a great springboard for progressing to higher levels of academic study.