Here is Trasizio's story:
''I am married. My wife is also a Human Resources Officer and she also studied with ABE. I am based in Phalombe district in the southern region about 85km from Blantyre, the commercial capital of Malawi. I moved to Phalombe from Blantyre because of work. I enjoy studies that involve a lot of reading and recalling things from memory. Riding motorbikes, especially offroad is my passion. I train people in Advanced motorcycle riding and defensive driving. I am working towards getting certified in this and I have a vision to open my own motorcycle driving school or consultancy in 2027.
I also enjoy playing and watching football as well as watching movies. If I didn’t suffer recurring hamstring injuries, I would probably have been a professional football player. Thank God, my academic path paid off when the football didn't.
My workstation, Naminjiwa Community Technical College was established in 2015 and is one of the oldest government-owned community technical colleges in Malawi, which are under the Ministry of Labour. There are 16 members of staff and about 100 students. We offer technical training to members of the community. My role involves the collection, tracking, and management of revenues. I head the administration department which is comprised of stores, procurement, library, accounting, and security. I also act as head of human resources at the college. I report to the principal who is in charge of the institution.
I went straight from secondary school to studying HRM with ABE. The advanced diploma I gained, enabled me to enrol in my third year at a university where I graduated with a Bachelors degree in HRM. My first job was as a member of the Airtel Malawi Marketing team (Road Warrior), we were involved in the Airtel Zone marketing campaign.
After leaving Airtel Malawi I became A Sample Transport Courier with Riders for Health International. It was the best job I have ever done as it involved riding motorcycles in usually challenging environments to save lives. After my contract with Riders expired, I was recruited as a graduate intern with the Ministry of Labour Malawi. While I was an intern, I briefly worked as a data entry clerk with TNM Malawi, and briefly as a banker (Temporary KYC Clerk) at NBS Bank. I was then hired to be an enumerator by the Zomba district council in the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR) 2023 project. I was offered this position of a Bursar while I was working as an Enumerator.
While discussing career progression, a classmate at Chiradzulu Secondary School Mwayi Kabaghe mentioned that his mother is a Human Resource Officer. I got interested and realised that with my scores in mathematics and the desire to be a manager someday, HRM was a perfect course for me. My father inspired me by giving me his management notes and recommending studying with ABE at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) Management Development Centre. It was then called the University of Malawi Management Development Center.
ABE has enabled me to open successful businesses and run marketing campaigns. The position I am holding now requires a level 6 diploma in HRM. I am now studying Master of Arts in Psychology at Indhira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) of India and I will major in Industrial Psychology.
I never expected to be doing more of an accounting job than managing people, so I picked HRM to run away from mathematics. Back then studying with ABE made it possible to avoid mathematics up to level 6. Therefore, learning accounting on the job though challenging has been exciting. To add to that, the job also involves interacting more with students outside the classroom, I enjoy offering pastoral support. Furthermore, working in partnership with Technical Education Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) has provided excellent career development opportunities.
My advice to learners starting out is that they must be confident and know that they made the right choice as ABE Qualifications are recognised by regulatory bodies such as TEVETA and the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE). Employers also rate the qualification highly. ABE graduates can choose to run their own businesses as well and the studies cover business management and entrepreneurship.
They should also know that with ABE qualification they can easily upgrade their education levels to for example join a university in 3rd year unlike the first or second year as some diplomas offer, they can follow a career path up to a Masters degree and they can even do better than I have done.''