My time management, critical thinking, and communication abilities, among many other excellent personality attributes, have all greatly improved because of ABE.’’
Yin May Tha chose ABE to gain a deeper understanding of the business world and believes it can equip her with the necessary abilities for her future profession and career goals. She advises students to conduct thorough research and pay attention to reading materials for a successful study. Here's her full story:
‘’My name is Yin May Tha and I was born and raised in Yangon, Myanmar. I began my ABE journey in 2022. My family has always been my biggest support system throughout my entire academic career. I am truly honoured to have received this top paper award for the unit Introduction to Quantitative Methods.
I happened to start my ABE journey, due to my keen interest in business and desire for a deeper comprehension of the business world. ABE is the finest alternative for me because it can equip me with the necessary abilities for the ultimate choice of my profession.
I studied my ABE course at WEBS University. I believe that the ABE program has a positive reputation among the general public and employers in Myanmar as it prepares students to contribute positively to the organisations they hope to work for in the future.
My learning path will continue once I acquire my current ABE qualification.
The courses are well-structured while also allowing for student flexibility, which is the best aspect of studying with ABE. Another feature that appeals to me is the variety of paths available.
My time management, critical thinking, and communication abilities, among many other excellent personality attributes, have all greatly improved because of ABE.
I would advise other students to conduct thorough research and pay close attention to the reading materials that are supplied in the textbook because nearly all of the courses must be addressed using a combination of literature and the actual business environment.
My long-term career plans for the future involve becoming an entrepreneur and setting up my own business operations.’’