
Caroline Kankuzi
ABE is one of the institutional bodies which the public and employers recognise as offering excellent tertiary education. My plan is to complete the other levels and enrol for the degree programme which has just been introduced.

Caroline Kankuzi-Jesimani

Top Paper Award in Principles of HR
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ABE is flexible and affordable, especially in this difficult economic period. The modules are designed and tailored so that it is easy to apply to any work environment giving its students a competitive advantage. I love doing research work therefore the assignments were intellectually stimulating, challenging and practical for me.

Neera Mohan

Top Paper Award in Effective Financial Management, School of Higher Education
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Doreen crop
I want to broaden my knowledge in all aspects of marketing and business management and ABE provides all of that. It also provides reading resources that are simple to understand, which helped me to be successful in my studies.

Doreen Hartley

Top Paper Award in Employability and Self-development, studied at The University of Malawi Management Development Centre
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"The best thing about studying ABE is the flexibility in terms of time, user-friendly manuals, global recognition at several universitieS, proactive offers in helping improve day-to-day job functions, and affordable exam fees. ABE, for me, has been a very positive opportunity in my life. I seriously cannot overstate this."

Maxime Harlaar

Securities Trader
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Su Aung
"The more I observed, the more I believed this was the right path to pursue my career dream.

Su Myat Aung

Assistant General Manager, Sae Paing Development Limited
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Su Su Myint Aung
I would like to strongly recommend ABE for studying business and related subjects. ABE offers high-quality education and can help a young teenager go on to become a successful professional career person like me.

Su Su Myint Aung

Executive Director, Nice Style Group of Companies
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I hope my story will inspire current and future ABE students to believe and realise that it is possible to rise from humble academic beginnings to the highest possible level of their academic journey.

Dr. Evans Ojiambo Onditi (PhD)

ABE alumni and lecturer
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I was employed as a Registry Clerk but, in the middle of my studies after completing Level 5 Diploma, I was promoted to the post of an Assistant Human Resource Management Officer because of the skills that I acquired with ABE.

Doris Mhango

Doris Mhango - winner of Top Paper Award for Strategic HRM, studied at Pact College
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Ye Htet Lwin Oo
As a successful entrepreneur who donates his time to support ASEAN young people, ABE alumnus Ye Htet Lwin Oo is a great embodiment of the ABE way. He says, “Have your big academic and career dreams. ABE will take care of the rest".

Ye Htet Lwin Oo

Entrepreneur and former Vice President (V.P) for the ASEAN Youth Organization
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"ABE has a good reputation with employers that know of ABE’s programmes. The reason why l chose ABE was because it is flexible and self-paced. The study material is readily available and affordable."

Mercy Shupikai Madjgara

Human Capital Development Manager
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